Horror Movie Month 2020
Ten years ago I lived with a great group of musicians while at Berklee, and we all were massive horror movie fans. We decided that we should watch at least one horror movie a day during October since we were all such massive nerds. I’ve been keeping the tradition alive every year since, and this year I’m inviting you all to watch along. Daily I’ll be posting on my Black Market Instagram page, and each week I’ll post a blog here recapping the weeks movies. There is literally no better time of year than October, get ready to be spooked. Check out the list below and be sure to leave a comment on which you’re looking forward to watching, and what I should include next year!
I made sure that each movie was available on either Netflix, Amazon, or Hulu although a majority of them I actually own. I wanted to include a wide variety of films from across the horror spectrum and across the decades. I tried not to exclude too many "classics" but I've also seen most of them too many times to count. Most years I'll make each day of the week a different "Theme" but this year the only day with anything like that is Saturday for double features. I think you'll get plenty of scares, gross out moments, and nightmares from this list. Enjoy, and keep an eye out for a recap each week!